Grayson touts association with liberal international think tank calling for national energy taxes
WASHINGTON — America’s largest grassroots opponent of environmental extremism called on Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson Friday to explain his association with a left-wing think tank calling for national energy taxes.
Founded in 1950, the Washington, D.C.-based Aspen Institute hosts numerous conferences and speakers claiming capitalist activity is causing the planet to heat up. Grayson, running for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Sen. Jim Bunning, was named an Institute Fellow in 2005 and has promoted his intensive training by the group.
“With radical greens calling for a job-slaughtering national energy tax, why is Trey Grayson proud of the fact he was trained by the left-wing activists behind it? Trey Grayson should come clean with Kentucky and tell citizens why he’s working with these anti-jobs activists,” said Donny Ferguson, WTP National Director of Media and Public Relations.
Institute President Walter Isaacson was a prominent figure in the “Arctic Expedition for Climate Action 2008,” a political insider event hosted on a luxury cruise ship that Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former President Jimmy Carter, Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern and disgraced openly socialist former Obama advisor Van Jones coordinated strategy to promote legislation aimed at reducing America’s economic output.
“9/11 truther Van Jones? ‘America is evil’ Jimmy Carter? Obama’s right-hand man Andy Stern? Who else is Trey Grayson proud to pal around with?,” asked Ferguson.
On March 27, 2009 the Institute later gave Jones, Obama’s “Special Advisor for Green Jobs,” its Energy and Environment Award. Jones was later forced to resign from his White House position after it was revealed he was involved in organizations claiming the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were staged by the Bush administration.
Grayson also redistributed Institute press releases on the taxpayer-funded Secretary of State website. Other members of his 2005 class included liberals Florida Congressman Kendrick Meek, then-Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff and then-New York City Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz.
Meek and Romanoff are also working to pass national energy tax legislation.
Its Business and Society Program “is dedicated to developing leaders for a sustainable global society.” The “sustainable society” movement is based on the false premise that capitalism, specifically the affluent United States, is destroying the planet, and the only way to sustain human life is to suppress economic activity, beginning with the U.S.
Well, what do you expect from a former Democrat. Trey Grayson is a True Blue RINO.