A personal blog dedicated to supporting and reporting on Rand Paul's US Senate Campaign. And electing a true, honest, small government, Constitutional Conservative to the US Senate from Kentucky.
Don't have any video of this event yet. Rand was there to talk about health care freedom primarily. All I can say is Rand Paul is working hard. He's meeting with people every chance he can get. Today he actually had 2 events in Louisville. Here's a flicker file one attendee made of the first.
Speaking of the Federal Reserve, Wendy Macy has an excellent video of some of her interviews thoughts and research on this issue in relation to the Rand Paul campaign:
The last time we saw double-digit inflation was in the late 70s and early 80s. Although inflation isn’t on a lot of people’s minds right now, it could be right around the corner. The Federal Reserve has increased the monetary base to unprecedented levels, and if that money works its way through the system, we will have inflation.
Senate candidates Rand Paul and Peter Schiff are speaking out on the danger of the Fed’s monetary policies.
Rand has an excellent explanation of how the Federal Reserve manipulating interest rates caused the housing bubble and the current economic mess towards the end of part 1 -- beginning of part 2. Well worth watching.
Uh, Marc, are you sure that the voice on the phone in this video was Trey Grayson?
It sounded to me like it was Les Fugate, Trey's spokesperson.
If so, don't forget that Les works on a state salary and if he was pretending to be Trey on the phone, I have a few questions. Was it during a work day?
Was he using a state phone while engaged in political campaign activity for a federal office seeker?
You might want to ask Trey. Or Les. But good luck getting a straight answer.
Leslie Fugate is an assistant at the SOS. Now personally I don't know Leslie's voice from Joe Smoe's, so this is pure hearsay. It wouldn't surprise me however.
How many candidates can you count who are willing to get on stage and promise their potential constituents nothing, but they're liberty. He's absolutely right. What's the point of a $1 Billion Earmark if it can't buy anything because the Federal Government is using currency debasement to pay for all the pork. Rand doesn't just tell you wnat you want to hear. He tells you the truth.
She booed Rand Paul out of Reflex?
Can anyone follow what this woman is saying? "Government is part of the Constitution"? The Constitution was written to keep the government in check. She's booing Rand Paul, because she has freedom of speech? Typically when people exercise that freedom though, they usually have a reason for exercising it. This is a very confusing response to me. Rand Paul -- much more then Trey Grayson -- will be defending freedom of speech. Well, if it makes her happy.
Speaking of Trey Grayson he did do a little telephone interview. . .
And by telephone interview I mean the coordinator had to call Trey Grayson to ask him where he was. Then Trey gave a shout-out to a girl who claims she's never met him before. She seems kind of creeped out in the above video by it. Of course, he was able to send Chandler in his wake. Poor guy.
According to Rand Paul graphs, Rand brought in about $20,000 today.* Not a huge amount of money. But it was spread out among many other conservative candidates. I don't know the exact amount because it looks like they haven't adjusted back from daylight savings time, so I estimated what the 1st hour of tonight was an added it.
*I don't know the exact amount because it looks like they haven't adjusted back from daylight savings time, so I estimated what the 1st hour of tonight was and added it.
Update: A little November 5th Celebratory You Tube.
My preference, and I might take some flack for this, is to donate to Rand Paul first. Then if you max out, donate to other candidates.
In my opinion Rand Paul is the only one who has a chance to win of the candidates listed, and not only a chance, but a good chance.
My goal, is try try and make sure the liberty movement actually gets 1 win.
If on the other hand, you're goal is to help spread the message all around the country, with winning being a secondary goal, then feel free to spread the wealth. In the long run, spreading the message of liberty is the most important goal. I'd just like to see A Dr No in the Senate as soon as possible too, that's all.
A Student Blog at the U of K reports on the recent forum at the MIK Library. "Basically, from listening to the candidates, I was able to come away with 3 things:
1) Nothing is more important to Bill Johnson than the American Flag. (That being said, Bill’s a great guy and a solid conservative, but it’s going to be hard for him to win on Patriotism alone, which is what he’s trying to do. The war was the only “issue” I can remember him even discussing.
2) Darlene Fitgerald Price (Democrat) is the ONLY person in the World who has ANY experience with the army and the war on drugs. She had some decent ideas, but it didn’t take me long to lose her.
3) Rand Paul has what we like to call “solutions”. I thought about suggesting these to the other candidates, but I didn’t want to confuse anyone. As the other candidates were clinging to using big words and the blame-game, Rand took a step back and said “Look, we’re all to blame. So let’s stop the partisan bickering and get something done. And as usual, Rand Paul’s calm, collective demeanor (even amongst the boo birds from the back) showed that he’s ready for this job and ready now.
Apparently AGAIN Trey Grayson continues his "Rose Garden" strategy mentioned earlier of not showing up and refusing to talk about actual issues in his weird telephone skit he did with the audience instead of actually being there.
“We will not spend money in a contested primary,” Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told ABC News in a telephone interview today.
“There’s no incentive for us to weigh in,” said Cornyn, R-Texas. “We have to look at our resources. . . . We’re not going to throw money into a [primary] race leading up to the election.”
Cornyn said the NRSC is only endorsing in races where — like in Crist’s case — the candidate specifically requests its stamp of approval. He said that — notwithstanding any endorsements — his group would even offer advice on hiring and strategy to GOP challengers, like Rubio, who haven’t been endorsed.
Asked what endorsements mean, then, Cornyn said some candidates may want the backing to help line up support and financing. Beyond that, however, he said NRSC endorsements won’t mean very much in practice.
Does this mean the RNC will stay out of Kentucky's race now? No more "Bailout Balls"?
DeMint said there are "two good candidates" in Kentucky, but seemed to be leaning toward Rand Paul over Trey Grayson.
Erickson noted that Grayson was once a Democrat and now is the "favorite" of the Republican establishment while Paul (Ron Paul's son) is "anything but an insider."
DeMint added that Paul is "not a radical rightwing nut" and is "dead-on" when it comes to principles of freedom. The snap poll of callers mostly supported Paul, who has a slight lead in the early official polls.
Erick Erickson, editor of RedState.com campaign recently issued a blog post regarding the NY-23 race:
“First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives. In 2008, many conservatives sat home instead of voting for John McCain. Now, in NY-23, conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.”
“I have said all along that the goal of activists must be to defeat Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman winning would just be gravy. A Hoffman win is not in the cards, but we did exactly what we set out to do — crush the establishment backed GOP candidate.”
New York isn't the only state with third parties. Kentucky has both a Libertarian and a Constitution Party both of which I'm sure would be more then happy run a hard campaign in the General if the Republican party doesn't nominate a principled conservative.
Rand Paul is leading in the latest public polling because he is gaining the trust of Kentuckians who want balanced budgets, honest, market-based health care solutions, and real job creation spurred by capitalism, not socialism. Read the rest
I hope the establishment will wake up, and listen to the people. Because one way or the other, the people will be heard.
A WHAS11/Survey USA now has Paul LEADING Grayson 35% to 32% for the Republican Primary.
In fact, the WHAS11/Survey USA poll has Paul ahead of Grayson by three percentage points, with a 4.1 percent margin of error. While Grayson is down five from our last poll 11 weeks ago, Paul has gained nine points since then.
Full Survey Results available here.
Basically the polling has Paul in a dead heat with Grayson. Paul still needs to make sure he runs like an underdog though to win. The establishment is pulling out all the stops, and this is going to be a long battle. In fact, there are rumors that another establishment entrant might be joining the race because Grayson's doing so bad. Is McConnell going to pull a Bunning on Grayson? I guess time will tell.
In other news, I listened to the Senate Conservatives (of which U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is Chair) conference call tonight, and 79% of conservatives voted to have the Senate Conservative PAC endorse and support Rand Paul over Trey Grayson. No official endorsement was made as a result of this poll. However, there were thousands of people on this conference call, so I think it's quite telling. These are genuine people who are upset about the Republican Party takeover by big government liberals.
Here are the results of the PAC poll.
Greyson: 5%
Rand Paul: 79%
Undecided: 16%
Now whether this means Senator DeMint and Co will actually endorse Rand, I don't know. I think it's likely though. DeMint was the 1st Republican to co-Sponsor (1st Co-Sponsor period actually) of Senator Bernie Sanders Bill to Audit the Fed, the Senate version of Ron Paul's House bill to Audit the Fed.
This is getting serious folks. Rand is a HIGHLY viable candidate. It's now up to us to make sure he gets funded and stays funded. My opinion, we need to raise him $2 Million this quarter. Remember to donate.