Hot on the heals of Trey Grayson accusing Rand Paul of being the establishment candidate,
Karl Rove writes the following op-ed referencing the Kentucky Race.Republicans have also recruited good candidates for their open seats. New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte is competitive, as are Ohio's Rob Portman and Missouri's Roy Blunt. Republicans in Florida have to get through a primary fight, but either Gov. Charlie Crist or former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio will likely hold the seat. (I've donated to Messrs. Blunt and Rubio.) Only Kentucky's open seat vacated by Jim Bunning causes the GOP squeamishness.
Of course, what he really means is it causes the power brokers in the upper echelons of the Republican Party hierarchy squeamishness. The reason for this is because Rand Paul wants to 'depower' Washington (Or Downsize DC.) and return that power to the individual where it belongs. If I were a power brokers, in either party, I'd be squeamish too.
What I find hilarious is, how do you be the establishment candidate -- when "MR Establishment" himself comes out targeting you? I think this is just more proof that Trey Grayson is simply a useful cog in the Republican Party machine. And the establishment, because of that, would prefer Grayson to a principled, honest individualist like Rand Paul who thinks for himself and isn't afraid to shake things up.
The Rand Paul campaign posted a blog in response to this in "Why so squeamish?":
Don’t know for sure what Rove is talking about, but if it is Rand Paul’s strong support for reform through term limits, reducing the size and scope of government, and his solid, consistent opposition to Republicans caving in on bailouts and stimulus spending that is causing some Washington D.C. tummy aches, then that’s good.
Rand is leading in the polls in Kentucky because Kentuckians can’t stomach the nonsense from our professional politicians anymore.
I think that's about right. Rank and file Republicans who care about principles are sick of being lied to by the McCains and other big government liberals who have hijacked the party. They want to take the party back. And Rand Paul has the credibility to do just that.

Rand Paul
Trey Grayson