Rand Paul on Glen Beck
In fact the entire show is well worth watching.

Rand Paul
Trey Grayson
“Rand Paul is a strong man of faith and of conviction,” said Beverly LaHaye, founder and chairman of Concerned Women PAC.CWPAC is affiliated with Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, which is also affiliated with Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with 500,000 grassroots members nationwide. This is HUGE! And we were not even expecting it. I doubt the official Campaign made any inquiries with them anyway. Perhaps Jim DeMint and CFG will feel safe enough to endorse Rand Paul now too.
“Rand is strongly pro-life, and has pledged his support for federal measures to end abortion.
Additionally, Rand is pro-parental rights, and will fight to get the federal government out of the business of indoctrinating our children with the liberal agenda, and will fight for both alternative schools and home schools.
We endorsed Rand over all others in the race, because not only is he right on issues, but also because I am convinced he is the most likely candidate to stand up and fight for these issues in the Senate.
Rand Paul is not beholden to a party or any establishment. He is a fighter, and our issues need more than just another vote in the coming years.
With his strong grassroots support as well as the financial backing he has received, there is no doubt in my mind that Rand is in a great position to win this race for conservatives.
It is for these many reasons, that we proudly endorse the pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-constitution small government champion, Dr. Rand Paul, to be the next senator from the state of Kentucky.”
If there was any doubt Rand Paul is a serious candidate for the Republican Senate nomination in Kentucky it can be cast away. Our first poll of the race finds him leading Trey Grayson 44-25.Full results here
Paul is, as the conventional wisdom suggests, drawing his strongest support from Republicans who are unhappy with their party. He has a 54-22 lead over Grayson with voters who are unhappy with the GOP in Congress and a 54-18 advantage with folks who think the party's grown too liberal.
His support is broader than that though- he has a 40-25 lead even with people who like the job Republicans in Congress are doing and a 38-28 advantage with ones who are comfortable with where their party is ideologically.
Despite Paul's early advantage this race could change a lot between now and the election, primarily because neither of the candidates are all that well known at this point. A plurality don't know enough about Paul to have formed an opinion of him and a majority have no feelings one way or the other yet toward Grayson.
Among those who do have perceptions formed about them 39% view Paul favorably to 13% unfavorable and 22% view Grayson favorably to 15% unfavorable.
Paul's current strong standing certainly speaks to the increasingly favorable prospects for candidates running against the Republican establishment across the country, especially on the heels of polling last week showing Marco Rubio closing in on or even taking the lead against Charlie Crist. It's going to be interesting to see if a lot more of these insurgent candidates crop up as we turn the calendar to 2010.
Republicans have also recruited good candidates for their open seats. New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte is competitive, as are Ohio's Rob Portman and Missouri's Roy Blunt. Republicans in Florida have to get through a primary fight, but either Gov. Charlie Crist or former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio will likely hold the seat. (I've donated to Messrs. Blunt and Rubio.) Only Kentucky's open seat vacated by Jim Bunning causes the GOP squeamishness.
Don’t know for sure what Rove is talking about, but if it is Rand Paul’s strong support for reform through term limits, reducing the size and scope of government, and his solid, consistent opposition to Republicans caving in on bailouts and stimulus spending that is causing some Washington D.C. tummy aches, then that’s good.
Rand is leading in the polls in Kentucky because Kentuckians can’t stomach the nonsense from our professional politicians anymore.
Please dont forget DeMint's senate conservatives! I found out the reason why they havent already jumped on Rand, by the way. Its purely political. Even though DeMint wants to take McConnell's seat, McConnell is still the GOP senate head and has power over DeMint and its very sensitive to jump on McConnell's puppet's opponent! Also, Grayson, we all know is a big government republicrat, but there is no SOLID evidence like their is against Charlie Christ and they dont want to support someone who they think may have plateaued (praying that that doesnt happen!). Thats why they are going to see how much money Rand raises for the 4th quarter and then check the early 1st quarter polling (which they will do again) and if Rand is going up more again, then they will come and support Rand. Thats the truth and thats why we need all of you more than we ever had!!!! We need you financially and we need your time and help! Thank you everybody!!!
"If Paul out raises Grayson again ... it will take a knockout punch to beat him"
Round five will be the fourth quarter finance reports. If Paul out raises Grayson again, he will be ahead in the count with only five rounds to go. Certainly he needs to continue to take the fight to Grayson, who is still seen as the champ, but if Paul wins the next two rounds, it will take a knock out punch to beat him.
While Grayson may very well be playing a bit of rope-a-dope and letting Paul punch himself out, Paul is showing little sign of tiring. Grayson packs a helluva hard right hook, a lesson learned from his undefeated trainer Mitch McConnell. But there is always the risk that Paul will go the distance and win in a close decision.
Grayson better answer the next bell on his feet and ready to fight. It doesn't even look like Paul is breathing hard, yet.
The fourth round was all about credibility. At first it looked like Grayson had rocked Paul with a few well landed blows to his mid-section finding discrepancies between the words he spoke about Gitmo and the words he published on his web site. Then came the head shot from the NRSC which questioned Paul's veracity when he reported that they had committed to him to not endorse in the race. But Paul seemed to recover well and before long rocked Grayson with a skillful combination of punches.Read the rest
First, he deftly brushed aside the criticism and effectively shook off the effects of the hit. Then Paul began showing up again and again on national news programs and seemed to reach deep inside to gather the energy of the TEA party movement, getting the crowd behind him. And then Paul executed a crushing right when he was the ONLY one of the two to get out front for state senate candidate Jimmy Higdon who defeated his better funded democratic opponent despite all of the predictions of a loss.
“I truly believe the tale of the tape on this race will be on Jan. [31] when the [fourth-quarter] fundraising reports come out,” said Scott Jennings, a Kentucky political operative who previously worked for McConnell’s re-election campaign. “If the Paul people have not been able capitalize on him leading in a survey, then I think that might be indicative that he might have peaked. But if [Federal Election Commission] reports come out and Paul has again led all the Senate candidates in fundraising, then I think a lot of these fumbles sort of go away.”
Largely an informal event, the senate candidate feared and loathed by the establishment was all smiles as he got to meet with a diverse cast of his supporters. Young and old, black and white, people came out to hear the doctor from Bowling Green talk about balanced budgets, lowering taxes, term limits, and the value of the dollar. As another attendee remarked to me, we didn't hear a single worn-out Republican catchphrase. Rather, the candidate pointed out that President Obama is easy to target and that the real challenge is to get the Republican Party back in shape. It doesn't matter if we harass the president for being reckless with the nation's finances when Republicans do no better themselves.Read the rest
In a sight inconceivable two years ago when Rand Paul’s father
was running for president, the would-be senator is actually a viable candidate and has reason to be upbeat. The last poll conducted in November had Rand within the margin of error against the one-time presumptive candidate, Trey Grayson. The primary is still six months away and despite the rantings of cranky party chairmen, Rand Paul is not too kooky for a lot of folks in Kentucky.
The candidate, before and after his speech, took time to engage with nearly every attendee. In an act that didn't go unnoticed, the candidate was not "fashionably late" or any other euphemism to justify why his time is more important than that of his supporters, but was actually at the venue before the scheduled time. In that same vein, when the candidate departed, it was not flanked by highly-paid suits, but by carrying the boxes of his campaign materials himself.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
I travelled down to Kentucky last Friday to meet with Dr. Rand Paul, son of Congressman Ron Paul, and candidate for the U.S. Senate from Kentucky. I was there to discuss our Downsize DC Agenda proposals -- the Read the Bills Act, etc.
We met at a coffee shop. I just arrived after four hours on the road, walked in, and before I could order anything they suggested turning on a camera to tape our discussion so they could put it on their website. I still had gum in my mouth, but off we went with the interview. IT WAS GREAT! WATCH IT!
* The Rand Paul website is here: http://www.randpaul2010.com/
* You can watch the video on his homepage, or if that doesn't work for some reason, you can watch it here: http://www.randpaul2010.com/video-gallery/
There's a very good chance Dr. Paul will be the new Senator from Kentucky, so it was very exciting and gratifying to hear him endorse and agree that he would introduce every single item of the Downsize DC Agenda! That means . . .
* The Read the Bills Act
* The One Subject at a Time Act
* The Write the Laws Act
He also promised to co-sponsor the Enumerated Powers Act, introduced in the Senate by Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.
And shortly after the camera went off, he told me he'd also re-introduce the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This is a bill to cut Congressional pay each year they run a deficit. Since Nathan Deal of Georgia has refused to reintroduce it in this Congress, we haven't updated the campaign.
Please go to Rand Paul's homepage and watch the video!
And sorry about the gum chewing.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
P.S. I'm so excited that I've personally signed up to be on Rand Paul's email list and joined his Tea Party Moneybomb "cause" on Facebook.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
is the official email list of DownsizeDC.org, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation
Normally published 3 - 6 times per week.
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http://www.DownsizeDC.org is sponsored by DownsizeDC.org, Inc. -- a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government. Operations office: 1931 15th St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202.521.1200
Higdon declares victory in special state Senate raceRead the rest
Higdon, a Lebanon grocer who has been a state House representative since 2003, garnered 56 percent of the vote. He defeated Haydon, a Bardstown construction company executive who served in the House from 1997 to 2004, by more than 2,400 votes in the 14th Senate District — Marion, Mercer, Nelson, Taylor and Washington counties.
Grayson and heads of agencies across state government have sent letters to State Budget Director Mary Lassiter explaining potential ramifications of 6% cuts that the Governor has called for.
Still, he rejects the label of establishment candidate, saying "my support cuts across all levels."
If anyone is an establishment candidate in the race, it's the one whose father is a sitting member of Congress, Grayson said.
That's ridiculous, Paul said.
"There's only been one candidate feted at the National Republican Senate headquarters with about 20 senators giving him money and only one candidate Mitch McConnell is raising money for," he said.
One of the most conservative members of Kentucky's General Assembly, Republican Rep. Stan Lee of Lexington, said he takes Grayson and Paul at their word that they are conservatives.
"But we don't have a voting record on either one," Lee said. "What I'm concerned about is whether whoever wins will adhere to the strong conservative principles we Kentuckians want.
"We will not put up with anything less."
"Brad Cummings, a Grayson backer....Grayson supporter Cummings said he, too, voted for Clinton."
Former Clinton supporter supports former Clinton supporter. Film at 11:00.
U.S. Senate Candidate Rand Paul spoke a town hall meeting to discuss the so-called "Cap and Trade" bill in Pikeville.
Paul says the legislation, if passed, would be a disaster for Kentucky.
He also talked about the EPA's decision to hold up 79 mountaintop permits for additional scrutiny.
“I think there's a silent war by Obama, against coal. it's not on the front pages, but you can see it and you can feel in when you're in eastern Kentucky. You talk to anyone who either works in the coal fields or is a supplier for the coal industry, you feel this tension...that the industry is being choked,” Paul said.
The republican eye doctor from Bowling Green says if elected, he would defend the coal industry.
Rand Paul supports permanent repeal of the punishing 45% Washington D.C. Death Tax in order to promote entrepreneurship and job creation in America. While the Death Tax is scheduled to drop to zero at the end of this month, Congressional Democrats are rushing through a bill to restore the tax and keep soaking hard-working families in the name of class warfare and wealth redistribution.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to call up HR 4154, the Death Tax restoration bill, for a vote this week. Rand opposes this and all other tax increases.
First, his status as a featured guest shows that he has been taken seriously by the mainstream GOP. Second, it shows that he and at least one other federal candidate, Brett Guthrie, know the importance of keeping a balance of power in Frankfort as the legislature takes up the important duty of re-drawing Congressional Districts and state senate and representative districts following the 2010 census.Read the rest
During these months, over several frustrated phone conversations with Chad in San Diego, Matt Collins here in Middle Tennessee, and Rand Paul's unofficial manager at the time (now his spokesperson), Chris Hightower- an amazing picture emerged: Rand Paul didn't really want it! He was too humble, too conservative, too focused on his family and his business practice. The notion of Rand Paul as some ambitious opportunist trading on his father's name for personal benefit is a pure fiction, and I can tell you so with 100% certainty as a firsthand witness.Read the Rest
Rand Paul has not seized some opportunity for personal gain- history and opportunity have seized him! I cannot properly articulate how many agonized conversations I had with activists here in Tennessee and Kentucky about how perfect this opportunity was to put a true Constitutionalist in the US Senate, and how frustratingly reluctant Rand was to seize that opportunity. In the end, with the patient goading and persuading of Rand's associates and the grassroots community, and with the impelling call of duty to his country, Rand relented and decided to make a bid for US Senate because his country and commonwealth needed him.
I have been studying non stop about how to help get a good candidate elected as a fiscal conservative and I have found out that the true anti establishment yet powerhouse is the US Club For Growth (aka Club for 'economic' Growth)! They put more than $1,000,000.00 per candidate at least and they run their own adds supporting the candidate and then run adds slamming the competitor.
I just got off the phone with them (yes I joined) and they said that they are almost ready to make a decision, but before they make a decision they want to see what the people want. They said they have a few people calling to join for Greyson, but more people called for Paul. Ok, they said the more people call in for the Paul, the more likely they will make a selection. Club For Growth will also have national fundraisers all over the country for Paul. If you think the Money Bomb will help Rand, well this will be the full push to office.